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I’m Sol

I want to share with you all the things I’ve learned in the past 10 years as a freelancer, business owner, and content creator.

In this website you will find the tools, tactics, and mindsets that helped me build a life I’m proud of.

A life which includes building businesses with integrity, that allowed me to reach goals that at some point I thought impossible.

If you are searching that same Freedom, welcome.

What I love the most about having my own business:


What, did you think I was going to say money?

Don’t get me wrong, income is a big part of it. But is not what moves my needle.

I have yet to meet a freelancer or content creator who wants to work on their own just to get rich (although it has been proven that you make more money than being an employee).

But they all want more time.

Time to travel the world without having to think that the 2-week vacation is over and you have to go back to an email inbox bursting at the seams.

Time to take a break in the middle of the day and visit a museum with your partner.

Time to sit down for breakfast with your family without having to rush to get to the office on time.

Time to devote to that list of things you always said you were going to do but never found the right moment.

Yeah, well, maybe you can’t become an astronaut at 30, but there are so many, many other things that get passed over and lost by not daring to create a life under your own rules.

Becoming truly independent may seem impossible.

For many, it is.

But if you are here it is because you know there is another alternative.

It’s a challenging road, I’m not going to lie to you.

If you are expecting to find something here like “Earn 10.000€ by projecting your shadow on the wall!” this is not for you.

There are no magic formulas. There are no clients falling from the sky. There is no super-secret secret that only very few can access and reach “success”.

Success -that one with a capital S- is something that only you can define. And even though there is no single path to reach it, you can make the journey easier.

That’s what you’ll find on my website.

Everything I’ce learned in 10 years of working on my own. The good and the bad things. The mistakes and successes.

And the new things I learn every day that help me grow my business and have more time.

I got tired of living thinking that things “happen to someone else” but never to me.

I decided to change, and now I invite you to join the journey with your own perspective.

A bit about me

I’m a brand strategist, graphic designer, youtuber, podcaster, and former digital nomad.

My self-employed journey started almost by chance when I couldn’t get a job that paid enough after graduating with a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Graphic Design.

In other words: I needed money, and couldn’t get a regular job that fit my needs, so I started searching for clients online.

I quickly realized that working as a freelancer allowed me to have control over my time, energy, and income. There was no going back to a 9-to-5 once I realized the freedom of having a business.

In 2017, my now-husband and I decided to sell everything we owned and travel around the world as digital nomads.

In those 18 months, we got to know places, people, and enjoy experiences thanks to this way of working.

It was during that adventure that I realized I wanted more than just to work with clients: I wanted a business that generated income without me having to be in front of my computer.

That’s when we dove into content creation, affiliate marketing, online courses, blogging, and more.

And now I’m sharing all those things with you.

Fun facts

  • I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • I’m left-handed.
  • I dance the tango, but programming is way outside my skill set.
  • I hate polenta and hard-boiled eggs. There’s something about the texture, you know?